Digital Skills for Youth Program

Digital Skills for Youth Program2022-03-15T12:56:04-04:00

The Digital Skills for Youth program helps young people fulfil their potential in the digital world.

Success stories

Maya Harrington
Maya HarringtonDigital Product Manager Assistant
The DS4Y program was such an amazing opportunity for me. It gave me the boost I needed to break into product management, and for the first time be excited about my professional future. Especially in 2020 when so much was uncertain for so many people, I am extremely grateful that I found this program! Without it, I don’t believe I would have had this much success.
Graeme Burns
Graeme Burns 3D Modeler
The DS4Y program gave me an opportunity to work and learn in a time where it was extremely difficult to find an opportunity to do so. I gained confidence from problem-solving, learning new software, and technologies, as well as acquired meaningful contacts within the industry.
Roxanne Garnes
Roxanne GarnesContent Developer
This internship provided me with some clarity, and newfound skills that I plan on implementing and demonstrating to employers that I am familiar with utilizing digital media tools to communicate targeted message. I am certain now that pursuing a career in advising and or social services is what I am meant to do.


The Digital Skills for Youth program (DS4Y) was set up to connect under-employed post-secondary graduates with small businesses and not-for-profit organizations to give them the opportunity to use and improve their skills. The ultimate goal is to prepare them to find a long-term job in a changing digital economy. The DS4Y program helps under-employed post-secondary graduates combine relevant work experience with digital skills training, in an internship, so they can successfully enter the labour market.

The DS4Y program is part of the Career Focus section of the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (YESS).

You can submit an application using the form in the DS4Y PROGRAM – FOR EMPLOYERS section if you want to take on interns for six months and have 100% of their salaries financed.

The terms and conditions of the program are subject to change.


This program:

  • Offers support to unemployed or under-employed post-secondary graduates (interns) to gain work experience and find a career-oriented job.
  • Provides training and work opportunities that allow interns to develop knowledge and new or improved digital skills and the chance to put them into practice as they develop their business sense, entrepreneurial spirit, communications and problem-solving skills and team spirit. By acquiring these non-technical skills, the participants can be successful in the competitive job market.
  • Benefits from the employers’ contribution to the wages and social benefits of the youth, thereby ensuring that the youth are adequately mobilized and can benefit from their work experience.


The interns will acquire new non-technical skills and new digital knowledge through internships with the employer, which can be in one of the following fields:

  • Software and video game development
  • Application coding and development
  • Network troubleshooting
  • Adaptive technologies
  • Website development
  • Online learning
  • Social media campaign and other content development
  • Digital manufacturing

To see the details of the program and submit an application, click here:


Intern Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the program, the interns must meet the following criteria:

  • Be between 15 and 30 years old at the beginning of the internship
  • Have completed post-secondary studies
  • Have the legal right to work in Canada
  • Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or a person with refugee status in Canada
  • Not receive employment insurance (EI) during the internship
  • Self-assess as being underemployed, that is, employed below their level of education or holding a part-time job
  • Not have already done an internship in the Career Focus Digital Skills for Youth program

The Digital Skills for Youth program is coordinated by the Innovation, Science and economic Development Canada and financed through Human Resources Development Canada’s Youth Employment Strategy (YES). Communautique serves as a delivery organization for Québec.

Reference :

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With funding from Canada

Thank you to our partners for their support


octobre 2016

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janvier 2007


7 janvier, 2007|Catégories : Éducation, Inclusion numérique, Stages Jeunes|

Le PAC-AH est un programme qui permet d’initier les personnes ayant des limitations fonctionnelles et les personnes en démarche d’alphabétisation aux technologies de l'information et de la communication.

juin 2006

février 2006

janvier 2006

janvier 2000

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